Oltenia Colloquium in Early Modern Philosophy
IVth Edition
Fictions, Counterfactuals, and Possible Worlds in Early Modern Philosophy
2016, 22 April
We will try to look at the fictions, possible worlds and counterfactuals as how are used in a number of different contexts, including the fictional ‘worlds’ of authors of fiction in the narrow sense, and to show the importance of these elaborations for Early Modern Philosophers.
The languages: English, French
Keynote speaker: Justin Smith (Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7)
Deadline for title, abstract and CV: March 20, 2016
Deadline for sending the full paper (in order to be published): September 20, 2016
The hotel and lunch (and at least a part of the transportation) will be supported by us.
Web pages: http://www.adriannita.ro/index.php/ro/blog/217-oltenia-colloquium-in-early-modern-philosophy-2016
Contact: Adrian Nita (adriannita2010@yahoo.com)