Call for Abstracts: ESEMP conference from 25 to 27 September 2025 in Hagen

Call for Abstracts

The European Society for Early Modern Philosophy (ESEMP) invites submissions of abstracts for presentation at the 7th international conference of the ESEMP:

Why and How Do We Study Early Modern Philosophy Today?

25-27 September 2025

FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany

Keynote Speakers: Mogens Lærke (CNRS) and Anik Waldow (University of Sydney)

The aim of this conference is to bring together leading experts and young talented scholars from all over the world to explore ways of approaching early modern philosophy and reflect anew on the aims of doing so. While all papers on the period are welcome, talks highlighting the respective aims or methods of studying EMP are particularly encouraged.

Following recent discussions in the field, we might wonder, for instance, whether we should favour historical over so-called rational reconstructions of texts or what precise aims are served by extending the canon. Likewise, we might ask how advances in the digital humanities shape our field. Even if one works in more traditional ways, one might inquire whether common assumptions about how to place and study texts, figures or debates still stand. This does not mean that papers should focus on these issues alone; rather it is an invitation to reflect on the aims or methods guiding the study at hand.

A second focus of our conference concerns (practical) issues concerning especially early career researchers. In this spirit, the conference includes a mentoring programme intended to connect mentees with experienced researchers who will provide advice on papers.


We invite submissions of abstracts for papers addressing all aspects of early modern philosophy. To submit, please email an abstract – between 500-700 words and anonymised for blind review – to Tanja Moll ( Please use ‘ESEMP 2025 abstract’ as the header of your email. The email should contain the author’s details (name, position, affiliation, contact details). The mail and the abstract should contain three keywords to which the abstract relates (indicating theme, author, and method / aim highlighted, if applicable). Please use the PDF format for submission and prepare the text of the abstract for blind refereeing.

If you would like to take advantage of the mentoring programme, please say so in your mail. If you would like to act as a mentor, please also indicate this in your mail. We will try to match mentors and mentees in relation to the keywords provided in the mail.

Please direct any questions you might have to Martin Lenz:


The deadline for abstract submission is 15 January 2025.

Papers will be selected by the board of the ESEMP.

Notifications of acceptance will be made by 28 February 2025.

For each talk, there will be time for a 30-minute presentation, with about another 15 minutes for discussion. All accepted papers will be eligible in case of the publication of the proceedings.

Upon acceptance

We do not request that you pay a fee, but membership of the ESEMP is compulsory to present a paper at the conference. (Annual membership fee: 30 EUR; reduced annual membership fee: 15 EUR).

To become a member of the ESEMP, please use our application form or contact the Treasurer of the ESEMP:

ESEMP Young: New Perspectives on Early Modern Philosophy

Call for papers

Workshop at the University of Copenhagen, 13 September 2022

The investigation of early modern philosophy has flourished and expanded tremendously over the last couple of decades. More and more hitherto neglected texts, topics, and names have become visible, enriching our knowledge of the past and shedding new light on the history of philosophy. Many of these findings encourage us to question traditional historiographical assumptions, such as linear accounts of the past and an exclusive focus on a few outstanding figures, schools of thought or national contexts. Moreover, digitalization has led to the development of innovative research methodologies. Still, many problems and issues remain to be addressed. All relate in one way or another to the underlying question: How do we tell the story of early modern philosophy?

ESEMP Young: New Perspectives on Early Modern Philosophy is a one-day workshop for graduate students who are developing new approaches to the history of early modern philosophy. The workshop is a prelude to the conference “Rethinking the Narratives of Early Modern Philosophy”, organized by the European Society of Early Modern Philosophy (ESEMP) in Copenhagen 14–16 September 2022.

The purpose of the workshop is to offer young researchers the opportunity to meet, present their work and exchange ideas. Throughout the workshop, senior researchers from ESEMP will also participate in the discussions and offer feedback. Additionally, all workshop participants are invited to join the conference after the workshop.

ESEMP Young is open for graduate students (MA and PhD level). Each participant will be expected to give a 20-minute presentation connected to the workshop’s overarching theme. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Methodological and theoretical considerations

  • Subversive philosophical and intellectual movements

  • The Nordic context

  • Marginalized voices

  • Philosophy in different genres


To apply to the workshop, please e-mail an abstract of around 300 words and a brief bio to Mathilda Amundsen Bergström ( Please use the heading ‘ESEMP Young abstract’.

The deadline for abstract submissions is 15 March 2022. Notice of acceptance will be given 1 April 2022.

Membership of the ESEMP is compulsory to present a paper at the workshop. (Reduced annual membership fee for students: 15 EUR). To become a member of the ESEMP, please use our application form or contact the Treasurer of the ESEMP,

CFP: Rethinking the Narratives of Early Modern Philosophy

The European Society for Early Modern Philosophy invites submission of papers for presentation at the 6th international conference of the ESEMP:

Rethinking the Narratives of Early Modern Philosophy

University of Copenhagen, 14-16 September 2022

The investigation of early modern philosophy has flourished and expanded tremendously over the last couple of decades. More and more hitherto neglected texts, topics, and names become visible that enrich our knowledge of the past and shed new lights on the development of early modern philosophy. It thus becomes apparent that philosophy during the Early Modern period was a lively, multifaceted venture to which a great variety of people from diverse backgrounds and geographical regions contributed. At the same time, many of these findings encourage us to question common historiographical accounts. Traditional assumptions and conventions, such as linear accounts of the past, an exclusive focus on a few outstanding figures, or the neglect of women philosophers, are challenged and supplemented by alternative approaches. Still, many problems and issues remain unsolved and need to be addressed. All relate in one way or another to the underlying question: How do we tell the story of early modern philosophy?

This conference of the ESEMP addresses this and similar questions. Scholars working on early modern philosophy from all over Europe and beyond will share their ideas and discuss their various approaches, theses, and findings.

Keynotes speakers

  • Christia Mercer (Columbia University, US)
  • Ohad Nachtomy (Israel Institute of Technology, IL)
  • Gianni Paganini (Università del Piemonte Orientale, IT)
  • Lisa Shapiro (Simon Fraser University, CA)

Sections of the conference

  1. Early modern philosophy and the sciences: Rethinking the effects of scientific innovations, new technologies, and the life sciences
  2. Early modern philosophy and religion: Rethinking the impact of religion, religious minorities, and religious dissidents
  3. Early modern philosophy and gender: Rethinking sex and gender, and women’s participation in early modern philosophy
  4. Early modern philosophy and race: Rethinking the notions of race and ethnicity in early modern philosophy
  5. Early modern philosophy and Europe’s periphery: Rethinking early modern philosophy in Europe’s North, South, East, and beyond
  6. Early modern philosophy and its history: Rethinking historiographical methods, models, and approaches


We invite submissions of research papers addressing all aspects of the conference topic. To submit, please email an abstract – between 500-700 words and anonymised for blind review – to Sabrina Ebbersmeyer ( Please use ‘ESEMP 2022 abstract’ as the heading of your email. The email should contain the author’s details (name, position, affiliation, contact details) and the title of the section to which the proposal relates. Please use the PDF-file format for submission and render your text completely anonymous, allowing for blind refereeing.

The deadline for abstract submission is 31 January 2022.

Papers will be selected by the board of the ESEMP.

Notifications of acceptance will be made by 15 March 2022.

For each talk, there will be time for a 30-minute presentation, with about another 15 minutes for discussion. All accepted papers will be eligible in case of the publication of the proceedings.

Upon acceptance

Membership of the ESEMP is compulsory to present a paper at the conference. (Annual membership fee: 30 EUR, reduced annual membership fee: 15 EUR).

To become a member of the ESEMP, please use our application form or contact the Treasurer of the ESEMP,

Life and Death in Early Modern Philosophy – just published by OUP

What began as presentations to the ESEMP conference in London 2016 on Life and Death in Early Modern Philosophy, has just been published as a volume of essays by OUP (2021). Thanks to all the contributors and above all to Susan James for hosting the London conference and editing this great volume

  • The volume presents new historical research exploring a range of early modern views about what it is to live and die well
  • Sheds new light on the relationship between ethics and science in the early modern period
  • Includes topics and debates relevant to contemporary philosophical concerns


ESEMP Conference 2022: Save the date!

I am very happy to inform you that the next international conference of the ESEMP will take place in September next year at the University of Copenhagen:

Rethinking the Narratives of Early Modern Philosophy

6th International conference of the ESEMP

14-16 September 2022, University of Copenhagen

Conference description:

The investigation of early modern philosophy has flourished and expanded tremendously over the last couple of decades. More and more hitherto neglected texts, topics, and names become visible that enrich our knowledge of the past and shed new lights on the development of early modern philosophy. It thus becomes apparent that philosophy during the Early Modern period was a lively, multifaceted venture to which a great variety of people from diverse backgrounds and geographical regions contributed. At the same time, many of these findings encourage us to question common historiographical accounts. Traditional assumptions and conventions, such as linear accounts of the past, an exclusive focus on a few outstanding figures, or the neglect of women philosophers, are challenged and supplemented by alternative approaches. Still, many problems and issues remain unsolved and need to be addressed. All relate in one way or another to the underlying question: How do we tell the story of early modern philosophy?

This conference of the ESEMP addresses this and similar questions. Scholars working on early modern philosophy from all over Europe and beyond will share their ideas and discuss their various approaches, theses, and findings.

Sections of the conference:

  1. Early modern philosophy and the sciences: Rethinking the effects of scientific innovations, new technologies, and the life sciences
  2. Early modern philosophy and religion: Rethinking the impact of religion, religious minorities, and religious dissidents
  3. Early modern philosophy and gender: Rethinking sex and gender, and women’s participation in early modern philosophy
  4. Early modern philosophy and race: Rethinking the notions of race and ethnicity in early modern philosophy
  5. Early modern philosophy and Europe’s periphery: Rethinking early modern philosophy in Europe’s North, South, East, and beyond
  6. Early modern philosophy and its history: Rethinking historiographical methods, models, and approaches

More details about the conference including information about the call for paper will follow soon.

Looking forward to welcoming you in Copenhagen!

Sabrina Ebbersmeyer

Libertas philosophandi: Publication of the proceedings now available!

The texts of the lectures and speeches that were presented at the 5th International Conference of the European Society for Early Modern Philosophy Libertas philosophandi. Freedom of Expression, Conscience and Thought in Modern Philosophy which was held from 9 to 11 September 2019 at the University of Bologna (Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies; Department of History Culture Civilization; International Center for Humanistic Studies «Umberto Eco») are now published in dianoia. Rivista di filosofia, vol. 31 (2020).

The Conference aimed to explore some facets and metamorphosis of the notion of Libertas philosophandi that was at the center of the seventeenth and eighteenth century European debate on the status and role of both science and philosophy: from Spinoza to Bayle, from Locke to Voltaire, from Wolff to Kant, Libertas philosophandi became one of the central issues in philosophy to be put in act and defended. Therefore, it assumed a paradigmatic value in various fields of inquiry, from scientific culture to social history, from utopian political movements to religious reforms, from the birth of public opinion to the defense of human rights.

The texts testify to the conceptual depth of the seventeenth-eighteenth-century debate as well as the relevance of the critical reflections on this notion. They return precious historical- philosophical evidences and fine analysis of thought: reading the past they suggest also intelligent strategies of defense and struggle for freedom that also have value for our present.



ESEMP conference 2019: Lively discussions on Libertas philosophandi and election of the board

The ESEMP is very grateful to Mariafranca Spallanzani (Bologna) and her team for setting up a wonderful and inspiring conference in Bologna (9-11 September 2019) on a highly topical subject: Freedom of Expression, Conscience and Thought. The excellent program, lively discussions and, not at least, the beautiful Italian environment, will always be remembered.

The ESEMP is also pleased to announce the election of the members of the board: Sabrina Ebbersmeyer (Copenhagen) will serve as president; Mariafranca Spallanzani while stepping down as president will continue as vice president; Martine Pécharman (Paris), Charles Wolfe (Ghent) and Gábor Boros (Budapest) will continue as vice-presidents; and Hubertus Busche (Hagen) will continue as treasurer. The board also welcomes the new members Ursula Renz (Klagenfurt) and Martin Lenz (Groningen). And, finally, we would like to thank Susan James (London) and Maria Rosa Antognazza (London), who are leaving the board, for their commitment and service.

Meeting of the ESEMP board after the last conference in Bologna. From left to right: Martine Pécharman (VP), Charles T. Wolfe (VP), Sue James (VP and Past President), Hubertus Busche (Treasurer), Sabrina Ebbersmeyer (new President), Maria Rosa Antognazza (VP), Mariafranca Spallanzani (Past President), Diego Donna (Auditor).

Greetings from Mariafranca Spallanzani: “With this photo of the ESEMP 2016-2019 staff (alas, there is no Gabor Boros!) shot in the splendid Sala Rossa of the Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici  “Umberto Eco” during the International ESEMP Conference Libertas Philosophandi (University of Bologna, 9-11 September 2019), I thank all the participants and friends who, with their presence and generous collaboration, have contributed into making those three days an opportunity for new knowledge and exciting discussions, but also warm friendship.”

Fifth Conference of the European Society for Early Modern Philosophy

Freedom of Expression, Conscience and Thought in Modern Philosophy

Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna
Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione

9th – 11th September 2019

What does Libertas philosophandi mean for us today?
Libertas philosophandi is at the center of the 17th-and 18th-century European debate on the status and role of both science and philosophy, with respect to theology, in the modern era. From Spinoza to Bayle, from Locke to Voltaire, from Wolff to Kant, Libertas philosophandi became one of the central issues in philosophy to be put in act and defended. Therefore, it assumed a paradigmatic value in various fields of inquiry, from scientific culture to social history, from utopian political movements to religious reforms, from the birth of public opinion to the defense of human rights.

The fifth ESEMP conference, LIBERTAS PHILOSOPHANDI. Freedom of Expression, Conscience and Thought in Modern Philosophy, to be held in the Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies of the University of Bologna from 9th to 11th September 2019, will address some facets of this conceptual prism and its metamorphosis, from three perspectives: Thought and Expression, Gender and Identity, Theology and Science. Through an investigation of these conceptual pairs and the tensions that animate them, this conference aims to explore the different meanings of Libertas philosophandi in the rise of modern European culture, as well as its value for our present.


I filosofi e la questione del soggetto nell’età moderna

22-23 novembre 2017
Michel Malherbe (Université de Nantes)
Hume et l’identité personelle
ore 15.00-17.00 sala Mondolfo
Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione
Università di Bologna
via Zamboni, 38 – Bologna

29 novembre 2017
Giambattista Gori (Università Statale di Milano)
Limite e valore di una conoscenza imperfetta.
ore 15.00-17.00 sala Mondolfo
Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione
Università di Bologna
via Zamboni, 38 – Bologna



British Society for the History of Philosophy Annual Lecture 2017:


Location: Nash Lecture Theatre, King’s College London
Date: Friday 3 November 2017, 6.30pm
Directions: Nash Lecture Theatre (K2.31), Second Floor, King’s Building, Strand (Main Campus), London WC2R 2LS.

From 2017, the BSHP will now be hosting an annual lecture series. The inaugural lecture of the series will be held by John Cottingham, Visiting Professor in the Philosophy Department of King’s College London. Professor Cottingham is the author of many books on the history of philosophy and on Descartes in particular, including Cartesian Reflections (Oxford University Press, 2008), Western Philosophy (Blackwell, 2007), Philosophy and the good life: reason and the passions in Greek, Cartesian and psychoanalytic ethics (Cambridge University Press, 1998), Descartes’s Philosophy of Mind (Orion, 1997), The Rationalists (Oxford University Press, 1988), and Descartes (Blackwell, 1986). He is also co-editor and translator of the three-volume Cambridge edition of The Philosophical Writings of Descartes.

All are very welcome. NB: Attendance is free, but registration is necessary. To be on the attendees list, please send an email with your full name to:

The British Society for the History of Philosophy (BSHP), launched in 1984, is a registered charity, which exists to promote and foster all aspects of the study and teaching of the history of philosophy. It publishes the British Journal for the History of Philosophy, currently based at King’s College London.

Teoria e critica dei sistemi nel Settecento

International Conference Bologna
September from 13 to 15, 2017

As part of the Herméneutique des Lumières research project (FNS/Sinergia), the Lire les Lumières research group at the Department of Philosophy and Communication (University of Bologna), coordinated by Prof. Mariafranca Spallanzani, organizes the International Conference “Teoria e critica dei sistemi nel Settecento” with the patronage of ESEMP and Alliance Française (Bologna).

Conference program

Manifesto del CongressoOrganizers:
Martin Rueff, Université de Genève (CH)
Mariafranca Spallanzani, Università dei Bologne (I) E-mail:

Diego Donna:
Piero Schiavo:

International Workshop: Women and Early Modern Philosophy & Science

MAY 11-12, 2017

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
via Galileo Ferraris 116 – Vercelli (Italy)

International workshop organized by Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
(Università del Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli) in cooperation with the Center for
the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists HWPS (Paderborn University)

