Scepticisme et pensée morale de Michel de Montaigne à Stanley Cavell (ENS, Paris, 31 mai et 1er juin 2013)

 Colloque international organisé par Jean-Charles Darmon (UVSQ-IUF, dir. du CRRLPM), Philippe Desan (Université de Chicago) et Gianni Paganini (Université du Piémont oriental, Accademia dei Lincei, Rome) en collaboration avec l’équipe « Etats, Société, Religion » de l’UVSQ, Frédéric Worms et le CIEPFC de l’ENS, l’UMR CELLF (Paris-Sorbonne, CNRS)

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CFP : Berkeley Society Session at Eastern APA Baltimore (USA, 27-30 december 2013)

The International Berkeley Society invites submissions of abstracts for presentations at the IBS session at the Eastern Division meeting of the APA in Baltimore Dec. 27-30. The IBS is especially interested in 30-35 minute presentations that juxtapose Berkeley’s doctrines with those of his contemporaries. Please send abstracts (no more than 600 words) to Stephen Daniel no later than June 10. Priority will be given to speakers who have not made previous presentations at IBS-sponsored APA sessions.

CFP : Dutch Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy I (University of Groningen, NL, 29-30 January 2014)

We are pleased to announce the first meeting of the Dutch Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy. It aims at bringing together advanced students and scholars working on Early Modern Philosophy (broadly conceived, ranging from the later scholastics to Kant). Following similar models of workshops, we hope to stimulate further exchange and collaboration on various topics in the field.

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