Egoism played a central role in enlightenment ethics. The first wave of egoist theory emerged out of Protestant theologizing, Epicurean revivalists like Pierre Gassendi, and especially the work of Thomas Hobbes. But whereas those influences dominated late 17th and early 18th century discussion of egoism, the egoist “culprit” of the greater part of the 18th century, at least in Britain, and especially in Scotland, was Bernard Mandeville. Papers are invited that investigate the peculiar influence Mandeville’s philosophy had on Scottish thinking as well as papers that reconsider the nature of Mandeville’s argument itself alongside the effectives of Scottish responses to that argument. While contributions focused on Hutcheson, Hume, and Smith are expected, papers addressing lesser studied Scottish responses to Mandeville are also encouraged. Deadline for conference paper abstracts: October 1st 2012. Send to Acceptance/rejection by 1st November.
Plenary Speakers
– James Harris,
University of St Andrews and Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
– Remy Debes,
University of Memphis
This conference is being organized in association with a special issue of the Journal of Scottish Philosophy Deadline for initial journal submission: February 1st 2013. Submissions should be prepared for blind review and sent by email attachment to NB: Accepted conference abstracts can be the basis of journal submissions.
location : CSSP Spring Workshop
Erdman Conference Center,
Princeton Theological Seminary
The conference will take place on the 8th -10th March 2013
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paolanicolas (September 6, 2012). Call for papers : Scottish Reactions to Mandeville. ESEMP’s notebooks. Retrieved February 19, 2025 from