The European Society for Early Modern Philosophy invites submission of papers for presentation at the 6th international conference of the ESEMP:
Rethinking the Narratives of Early Modern Philosophy
University of Copenhagen, 14-16 September 2022
The investigation of early modern philosophy has flourished and expanded tremendously over the last couple of decades. More and more hitherto neglected texts, topics, and names become visible that enrich our knowledge of the past and shed new lights on the development of early modern philosophy. It thus becomes apparent that philosophy during the Early Modern period was a lively, multifaceted venture to which a great variety of people from diverse backgrounds and geographical regions contributed. At the same time, many of these findings encourage us to question common historiographical accounts. Traditional assumptions and conventions, such as linear accounts of the past, an exclusive focus on a few outstanding figures, or the neglect of women philosophers, are challenged and supplemented by alternative approaches. Still, many problems and issues remain unsolved and need to be addressed. All relate in one way or another to the underlying question: How do we tell the story of early modern philosophy?
This conference of the ESEMP addresses this and similar questions. Scholars working on early modern philosophy from all over Europe and beyond will share their ideas and discuss their various approaches, theses, and findings.
Keynotes speakers
- Christia Mercer (Columbia University, US)
- Ohad Nachtomy (Israel Institute of Technology, IL)
- Gianni Paganini (Università del Piemonte Orientale, IT)
- Lisa Shapiro (Simon Fraser University, CA)
Sections of the conference
- Early modern philosophy and the sciences: Rethinking the effects of scientific innovations, new technologies, and the life sciences
- Early modern philosophy and religion: Rethinking the impact of religion, religious minorities, and religious dissidents
- Early modern philosophy and gender: Rethinking sex and gender, and women’s participation in early modern philosophy
- Early modern philosophy and race: Rethinking the notions of race and ethnicity in early modern philosophy
- Early modern philosophy and Europe’s periphery: Rethinking early modern philosophy in Europe’s North, South, East, and beyond
- Early modern philosophy and its history: Rethinking historiographical methods, models, and approaches
We invite submissions of research papers addressing all aspects of the conference topic. To submit, please email an abstract – between 500-700 words and anonymised for blind review – to Sabrina Ebbersmeyer ( Please use ‘ESEMP 2022 abstract’ as the heading of your email. The email should contain the author’s details (name, position, affiliation, contact details) and the title of the section to which the proposal relates. Please use the PDF-file format for submission and render your text completely anonymous, allowing for blind refereeing.
The deadline for abstract submission is 31 January 2022.
Papers will be selected by the board of the ESEMP.
Notifications of acceptance will be made by 15 March 2022.
For each talk, there will be time for a 30-minute presentation, with about another 15 minutes for discussion. All accepted papers will be eligible in case of the publication of the proceedings.
Upon acceptance
Membership of the ESEMP is compulsory to present a paper at the conference. (Annual membership fee: 30 EUR, reduced annual membership fee: 15 EUR).
To become a member of the ESEMP, please use our application form or contact the Treasurer of the ESEMP,
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Sabrina Ebbersmayer (September 22, 2021). CFP: Rethinking the Narratives of Early Modern Philosophy. ESEMP’s notebooks. Retrieved January 18, 2025 from